Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

Aaditiya Aswin Paper Mills Private Limited’s Policy and Procedure On Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

Definition of freedom of association


“Freedom of association is the right of workers to freely form and join workers’ organizations such as trade unions, worker associations and worker councils or committees for the promotion and defence of occupational interests.”


Definition of collective bargaining


“Negotiation of wages and other conditions of employment by an organized body of employees”.


Workers of all ranks and job grades have the right to create and join trade unions of their choosing, as well as to negotiate collectively. Where the right to free association and collective bargaining is limited by legislation, all workers have access to other forms of independent and free association and bargaining.


Article 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) declares that everyone has the right to peaceful assembly and negotiation, and that no one can be forced to join a group.


In accordance with the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998), ILO Conventions No. 87 and 98 are core conventions that countries are required to obey, even if they have not ratified the convention. The conventions are given below:


  • Convention 87 on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise (1948)
  • Convention 98 on the Right to Organisation and Collective Bargaining (1949)


Aaditiya Aswin Paper Mills Private Limited will promote these rights and attempt to prevent or mitigate any negative consequences on these rights who are directly linked to Aaditiya Aswin Paper Mills Private Limited operations, products, or services.


All applicable laws, regulations, and collective bargaining agreements will be followed by Aaditiya Aswin Paper Mills Private Limited. When local law and regulation establish lower requirements but do not prohibit the application of international standards that exceed those set by local law and regulation, Aaditiya Aswin Paper Mills Private Limited will:


Allow employees to freely elect their preferred worker representative and provide workers’ representatives with whatever facilities are necessary to enable them to carry out their duties quickly and efficiently, while not jeopardising the efficient running of Aaditiya Aswin Paper Mills


Private Limited facilities:

  • Participate in workers councils and cooperation committees to allow worker representatives to consult with management about workplace processes.
  • Recognize worker representatives and engage in open and honest collective bargaining with them.
  • In instances when the right to freedom of organisation and collective bargaining is prohibited by law, allow workers to freely elect their own worker representatives.
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